New friend and dancing accomplice, Zach Rusk, ripped his pants while gettin down on the dance floor…
And lemme tell ya, this boy gets
So to prevent future incident,
I stitched, re-surged, and double zigzagged the seam…
Just to make sure…
He said they had been kinda tight, so we’ll see if they hold up to his moves : ]
After Zach ripped his dancin’ pants, and giving him proper shit about it, I did the same to mine a couple days later while practicing pole. Got caught on the little nubbin that makes the tent poles adjustable…
Good thing I had my sew kit with me!!!
Had to preform minor short surgery with safety pins in the park…
The front pleats cover the “dart” that the mend created.
Speaking of darts, I also ripped the “Flowers in the Rain” dress.
Right in the booty.
So, while I was already in the process of mending some of my tears,
I turned the rip into a “butt dart” and put one on each side of the center seam.
The dress is kinda big on me, so you can’t really notice.
Next, I’m gonna add buttons down the front!!!
(cuz I used the original bottons for the cowboy hawiians )